Searcy's Dominion Gardens

Lot Owners

#7Dr Steve Collier
#8Dr Steve Collier
#9Dr. Steve Collier
#11Billy Ball
#12Ms. Peggy Lewis
#13Ron & Beverly McMinn
#15Dominion Builders
#22Robert & Rosemary Bell
#27Watson Bell
#42Prestige Homes
#49Mike Churchwell
#50Marla Duncan
#51Marla Duncan
#52Steve Lightle
#53David & Michelle Johnson
#54Dr. C.E. & Melody Ransom
#55Bob Huff
#56Robert Edwards
#57Ms. Marilyn Elliott
#58Sandra Floyd Estate
#59Tom Wood
#60Ms. Anne Gardner
#61Bobby & Diane Reynolds
#62Richard & Lisa Cargile
#63Ms. Juanita Conley
#71Warren & Ruth Creighton
#72David Orr
#74Kent & Tammy Kamerman

Click here to download the current Plat Map and see the location of the lots purchased.